Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Affiliate Link Exchange on Reddit?!?! Adfly, Clickbank, & More!

I was browsing Reddit and I found a new subreddit called "TheAffiliateExchange" Here's the description of the subreddit:

"The affiliate exchange is a social experiment. Users on the affiliate exchange post their affiliate links (adfly, amazonaffiliate, clickbank, etc.) for users to click and check out. Here is how it works:
There are 3 kinds of posts:
Product Requests (Post with a /pr in front, you request a product and a user gives you their affiliate link in the comments to the product so they get commision)
Adfly Clicks (Post with a /af in front and then the website name to be directed to, you ask people to use that link to visit the given website)
Miscellaneous (Post with /mc in front)
Hopefully, with this new system and everyone cooperating, everyone will be able to make some spare cash on the side!
Here's to a profitable subreddit!"

Now, it's a relatively new subreddit so I'm not too sure how worthwhile the results are. It would be cool to give it a try. Have any other redditors checked this out? What do you guys think?

To go to the subreddit, click here

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