Thursday, March 8, 2012

iPhone Application Development: How to get started?

Without doubt, the iPhone is the most loved platform for the masses. While the ever-green PC is forever building on its success stories, it's the Apple's handset, which is turning out to be the real Mecca of the enterprise culture. And why not, when you can have an iPhone application done and put up for mass downloading, all in under a month!
It all comes down to getting a head start, if you look to make big on your iPhone Application Development. Prima facie, it's apparent you got to be roping in development specialists, iPhone programmers, publishers etc.
But hang on!
How about self-developing your own iPhone app from the ground up? After all, Apple's iOS is open to all, and with a little bit of efforts going into the right direction, you could well be a self-proclaimed iPhone developer.
So, why not gear up for a start?
The Apple SDK (software development kit)
Apple provides the free SDK for iPhone development from their Developer site. This should be your start point. The SDK is a whole caboodle of tools you shall need for iPhone application development, including the development environment Xcode, the iPhone Simulator for testing, performance analyzers, interface builders and the full documentation reference library.
Mac for quick iPhone App Development
Although PCs can be a replacement for Mac, they aren't the best when it comes to mobility. Mac is a real powerhouse, which is easy to move around and provides the luxury to work no strings attached--even on the go.
There is no need to go for a top-of-the-line version; just get a Mac on an Intel-based processor, and if possible, running the Leopard version of MacOS X.
Objective C
This is the primary programming language for iPhone development which has scripting elements built into it. It's is easier to pick up than some languages and anyone with a little bit of programming should be able to crack C like a breeze.
Objective C in many ways is similar ways to Java; it deals with many of the problematic parts of programming. It's simple and non-convolute; hides the complexities of the hardware away from iPhone developers, and deals with (on the whole) the major cause of programming issues in C and C++ which is memory leaks.
Get off writing something!
Forget theory; forget mastering Objective C with your first attempt. Just set yourself a project and start working. The SDK actually gives you a first-hand -feel of the iPhone development process with a whole host of sample projects to work upon. Just pick one and start off; reverse engineer and add your own creativity to the mix.
Register as an iPhone Application Developer
Before you plan to break your masterpiece to the world, you'll need to sign up with the iPhone Developer Program. The protocol involves agreeing to Apple's terms and conditions, no matter what levels of completion you have achieved on your iPhone application development. Even if you're nowhere near completing the project, you'll need to sign up in order to test your code on an actual iPhone rather than an onscreen emulator.
The Business End: Submit the iPhone App
This is finally the big one. Any iPhone application needs the consent of the Apple Store. It takes no more than zipping up the file, uploading it with a description, a large and small icon, and adding screenshots. Apple takes about a week to review and approve the app. If however, the application runs into bugs, you will have to resubmit to Apple again, once the issues are fixed. In such cases, your iPhone app shall take bit longer to come through Apple's approval process.

About the Author: The author believes iPhone application development shall be the centre of a brand-sensitive environment. He has mentored many iPhone application developers to deliver breakthrough iPhone apps time and again.


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